Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Kitschy Creatures

While working at the UCC I have noticed a number of kitschy creatures hiding out on bookshelves, adorning walls, holding down the couch and plain and simply just getting in the way sometimes.

Here are a few of my favorites:

This enormous felted owl was lovingly created by Rhea. He is balding in a few spots and some of his feathers are starting to fall off but I'm planning on giving him a makeover this afternoon.

Life must get pretty lonely for this little guy who lives in a bell jar on the top shelf

Small plastic animal figurines are awesome already, but when they are glitter-fied...they are THAT much better.

I have a real love-hate relationship with this grumpy catfish.

These little ladies are security guards for the valuable pile of white packaging envelopes behind them.

Felted Robot: He might not have any arms...but just look at that smile.

This felt whale is about as cute as they come

Wire spiders...not so scary

These felted mice multiply like real mice. I seem to find them everywhere.

The little guy on the right, I made him :)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Internship Week One

Today was the first official day of my internship with The Urban Craft Center in Santa Monica, California. I am THIS happy and excited about my internship. A big two thumbs up rating for the first day!

This week has been spent getting to know what the Urban Craft Center is all about! I have worked on a few things this week:

I helped Rhea and Darya to clean and organize the supply closet.

I researched local craft artist who are working with recycled materials to be part of a small exhibit at the U.C.C. I found some interesting stuff, some boring stuff and a whole lot of...other stuff.

I made a sample for the DIY book project we will be teaching at the Renegade Craft Fair at the end of July. This simple pamphlet stitch book is made out of a recycled Trader Joe's cereal box and reused copy paper. With just a little bit of paint, time and creativity that stack of paper on your desk can be used to make a totally original little book!

I have been helping get ready for the upcoming Kids Craft Camp in July. I helped to make a window display to advertise for the camp. I also made a sample "Art Journal" which will be one of the projects the kids work on.

Finally, after a late night of cleaning up after a Spa Goodies class. My co-worker Amy gave me a ride home and the Cruiser got to have a sleepover at the U.C.C. (With felted gnomes to keep her company of course!)